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Busua, Ghana
Justice founded the surf school in 2013. Before he was working for a man from the UK for five years who was running a surf shop in Busua.

With only
two boards
I started
my own business.
Since then Justice often asked himself, where are the Ghanaian girls surfing? Why do I always see only black guys and men on the beach but where are the girls and women?
For girls in Ghana, the path is often clear: help their parents in the household, marry, have children and more household chores. That's the way tradition dictates.

The girls of
the Obibini Girls Surf Club want to seize theopportunity, make a different choice and thus defy West African
With that, Justice and his team decided to create the initiative of the Obibini Girls Surf Club. Convincing the families of this idea has been and still is a big challenge because surfing is not allowed by many African cultures.

By now the girls can swim, surf and have successfully participated in their first two surf competitions! The girls are very proud!
In October 2021, the first Women Empowering Workshops took place. The girls were educated about the female body, especially menstruation and sexual health.
In cooperation with a Ghanaian menstrual cup company, education about menstrual hygiene and contraception was provided and the products were made available to the girls. In this way, the first steps were taken to address social taboos of the past.

What became clear again is that education is a big problem in many villages.
If the families only have the possibility to send the children to the free government school, the educational level is extremely low.
Thus, for example, menstruation alone results in absenteeism from school, or ignorance results in pregnancies at a very young age. This often means the end of the school career and drags a lot implications with it.

The personality can develop positively, protective relationships are formed and visions for the future are developed.
The aim of the project Obibini Girls Surf Club in Busua is on the one hand to offer the girls always the possibility to surf with surf clothes, surf boards, etc.
The big and very important goal is that the girls can attend a school that will change their path like in probably most parts of West Africa:
No poverty due to lack of schooling and gender equality!
We fight for women's empowerment and gender equality. With the help of surfing, we create a safe space for young women in Busua, Ghana, to promote their self-confidence and thus support them in leading a self-determined life.
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